
From ancient times products of the sea around Ise-Shima have been presented to the Imperial Court. You can have delicious seafood, for example, spiny lobsters or abalones. And please experience a BBQ served by real
Amafemale free divers at an ama hut. And you should visit the supreme Shinto Shrine Ise Jingu, Mikimoto Pearl Island, and Yokoyama Observatory, which is rated one star by Michelin.

伊勢エリア:伊勢神宮(内宮&おはらい町・外宮&せんぐう館)、夫婦岩、伊勢志摩スカイライン, 忍者キングダム、神宮徴 古館、(旧)伊勢の台所「河崎」界隈、斎宮歴史博物館 etc.
志摩エリア:横山展望台、伊雑宮、天の岩戸、志摩スペイン村、英虞湾クルーズ、登茂山公園(桐垣展望台)、大王崎灯台、      安乗崎灯台公園 etc.
鳥羽エリア:ミキモト真珠島、鳥羽水族館、パールロード(海の博物館・鳥羽展望台・石神さん・海女小屋体験)、鳥羽湾ク      ルーズ etc
WHERE TO GO: Ise Jingu (Inner Shrine & Oharaimachi, Outer shrine & Sengukan Museum), Ninja Kingdom, Wedded Rocks (Meoto Iwa), Mikimoto Pearl Island, Toba Aquarium, Yokoyama Observatory, Ago Bay Cruises, You can have experiences of zen and tea ceremony at a Buddhist temple, and you can take out a cultivated pearl from a pearl oyster that you chose and make jewelry such as pendant from it.